Perseid Meteor Shower Viewing at Stevens Creek Meadow

  • 11 Aug 2019
  • 9:00 PM - 11:30 PM
  • Stevens Creek Trailhead, 9102 S Stevens Creek Rd, Spokane, WA 99223
  • 0


Registration is closed


Join the DHC, the Lands Council, and Paul Yost from the Spokane Astronomical Society on Sunday August 11th to experience the Perseid meteor shower, a once a year opportunity! 

The Perseid meteor shower is an annual astronomical event that is caused by Earth passing through the space debris left behind by the Comet Swift-Tuttle - the largest object known to repeatedly pass by Earth. Although the comet last came close to Earth in 1992, Earth travels through the trail of dust and debris left behind by it every year in early August, which creates the vibrant Perseid meteor showers that fall through Earth's atmosphere. 

This year, the best time to view the meteor shower falls on Sunday, August 11th. We will meet at the Stevens Creek trailhead at 9 pm and walk a few hundred yards to an open meadow for best viewing. The outing will be led by the Dishman Hills Conservancy and the Lands Council, and Paul Yost from the Spokane Astronomical Society who will speak more about the meteor showers during the viewing.

Dishman Hills Conservancy will provide hot chocolate for everyone. Bring a jacket, water, and a blanket or a portable chair if you wish to sit down to view the meteors. Dress for the weather, and bring layers! 

This is going to be a popular event, so register soon! We will fill up

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Spokane, WA 99203

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